Thursday, December 20, 2012

Using Office Documents on your iPhone and iPad Free

Using Office Documents on your iPhone and iPad Free

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Update February 14th 2013

Smart Office 2 free for now so get it, but may not be worth the original $10 price.

The bottom line is for a paid app it is in some ways not even as good as Cloudon which is always free so I would not pay the normal $10.  However, since it has some additional capabilities it is worth grabbing for free while you can if you think you would use them.  So keep Smart Office 2 and Cloudon ready for optimum flexibility.

Compared to Cloudon:

Smart Office 2
You can store files locally for offline use.  Smart Office connects to cloud drives as Cloudon, but I like the flexibility of not having to use data when outside of an WiFi zone. Just one small thing to bear in mind when logging into a cloud drive using my ID I had to remove the automatic capital letter from the first word for the ID to be accepted as they are case sensitive it seems.

Printing capabilities although I could not find my model of Canon Printer on the network, but I saw some others including AirPrint.  Perhaps my printer is not a compatible one.  Try yours and see if it works.  Normally you need to pay for a separate app just to do this.

Presentation mode you can try for PowerPoint presentations.  I assume that if you attach an HDMI cable to your iPhone for full screen display will be mirrored onto a projector or second screen.  I only have a video out cable but that does not work.

You can also create and convert documents into .PDF ones which is a feature I have not found in any other free app yet.

No auto save feature.  I am not sure this is a bad thing it just means you have more control over the changes you want to save as you go along unlike Cloudon which saves automatically.  Just make sure you do not forget to save your work.

Cloudon Advantages:

Cloudon has more formatting options in word processing documents.

With Cloudon easier to enter formulas into an excel sheet. Same way as you would in the real Microsoft excel version.

Original Post


Do you want to view Power Point, Word and Excel documents on your iPad or iPhone?  Do you want to be able to change them and re-save them as well?

You could get Quick Office Pro for $7.99 for iPad, but if you happen to have a Google business account then you can get the same app for FREE.  Since most of us do not have a Google Business account here is the best app I have found for FREE until now.

Just to start, most of the free apps only allow you to VIEW Microsoft Office documents.  You are neither allowed to manipulate them nor are you allowed to save them unless you upgrade to the premium paid version.  I will highlight these apps I use at the end of the blog

The recently released CloudOn app can open and edit standard Microsoft office files, but you MUST HAVE a Cloud Drive account like DropBox, Skydrive or Google Drive.  This App works equally for iPad or iPhone.

There is no active "File" header in the working menu at the top of the window as you would normally have in the traditional word or excel which was a bit weird for me at first.  However, your changes are autosaved as you exit the working document or after a certain time passes I imagine.  Just be careful you do not delete something important by mistake in the document you are working on and then have it autosave on you.

In any case since you will be working with files form a Cloud Drive account it would be wise to have a backup of the documents on your hard drive regardless.

You can also create new Word, Excel and PowerPoint documents right from the CloudOn app and save them directly to your Cloud Drive account.

Write your questions or comments about the app below to start the discussion!

Two good VIEWERS are linked below which I have been using for some time.  I will be using CloudOn from now on though.

File access from Dropbox and Google Drive.  FTP Transfer WiFi or USB Connection in the iTunes application.  Must download the documents locally to access them in general.  Good to view Excel, Word and PowerPoint files.

Must import files via Wifi FTP transfer or by uploading them by USB from the iTunes application.  Good to view Excel, Word and PowerPoint files.

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