Wednesday, February 13, 2013

The Mailbox app you can't have yet!

So I am doing something here a bit unorthodox by writing about an app that I have not used yet as I am still on a waiting list for this new Mailbox app.  A waiting list! But I cannot believe the hype going on around this.  I am not even sure if this is an actual waiting list or just a way of getting more hype.  Whatever it is it is working.

The claim is a revolutionary way of managing your emails, but I really think this app will have to turn water into wine to live up to the hype.  Currently there are over 200,000 people in front of me and many more waiting behind me to get this app.  Some reviews have come out so far and have been positive so we will see if it does indeed live up to this hype.

Of course I will have to make a review of this app when I do actually get it.  If you want to get on the waiting list yourself you can follow this link or click on the picture to get you to their homepage.  I have been waiting for what feels like a week so far and there were about 360,000 people in front of me when I first got the app.

I must admit that I am intrigued in part because it is backed by Orchestra the Todo app I blogged about before that I really like.  Read it here if you have not done so already.  So my hopes are high and i am on the waiting list:-)

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