Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Scanner OCR app Free today, but I would buy it anyways!

This App no longer seems to be available in the Canadian nor American App stores.

It has been very difficult to find an OCR scanner that actually works for free.  OCR means Optical Character Recognition which basically converts an image of text into editable text. This one is normally only $.99 but free for now and it works as good as can be expected.

Scanner OCR
Scanner OCR is an iPhone app, but it works on iPad as well.  You can scan documents and crop the image so that only text appears in the image.  The conversion worked well when I converted the text document into black and white from within the app otherwise there were a few inaccuracies.

In addition this app works without the use of internet.  Some apps send the document to a central server for conversion and then sends it back, but this one converts the document to text within the app with no data transfer.

You can send the text by email to yourself or save it to the library or open it in another app.  You can even email it as a PDF. Although that kind of defeats the purpose of the OCR, it is a useful function when you upload a word document that you can then convert to PDF and email it out.  Normally you need to pay to have the functionality as well using a different app.

If you are reading this and the price has gone back to $.99 and you need an OCR software I suggest you buy it anyways.  There is no point in paying more since I doubt a more expensive one will do a better job. 

Get it free while you can!

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