Thursday, April 11, 2013

StockTouch for iOS: The Trend is Your Friend!

StockTouch splash Screen iPad
As you may have read in my intro I am a Stock Trader by profession who loves tech and of course writing about it.  However, I have not written about any apps related to stocks yet.  Well today is the day I finally found a good one worthy of putting my name on.

This one is called StockTouch and it is currently free for the iPhone and iPad versions in iTunes.  Trying to get an idea for market direction requires some research, but StockTouch has a unique color coded display to show the history of individual stocks and sectors.  Take a look at the slideshow below to get an idea about what I mean.

This one shows the price increase percentage for the top 100 US stocks by sector starting at 5 years going to 1 day (For the 1 day chart there is a 20 minute delay on the quotes).  Take a look at the Materials group in the bottom middle.  We can visually see a trend downwards just by the amount of red showing versus green.  However, take a look at the Utilities right beside which is always up showing an uptrend in that sector.  This can give us an idea about which sector we may want to start investing in based on the trends.  However, the next slide show compares the same price increase, but relative to the S&P as a baseline.

5 Year trends for the top 100 U.S. stocks in each sector

Notice the materials sector again.  Even vs. the S&P it is even more red which can add confidence to the downward trend.  Note the Utilities has consistently beaten the S&P over the past 5 years.

5 Year trends for top 100 U.S. stocks by sector vs. the S&P.500

Now I am not trying to day that you should buy or sell something simply based on this information, but the trends are displayed in a very easy way to make them easy to identify.  This information can add value to the information you are already examining when deciding what positions to take.

In addition you can see global stock trends, volume ratios, individual stock charts and news as you drill down.  By looking at a day only you can visually see whether the market is up, flat or down on the whole.  Watch the video below from their website as it will display the additional features better than I will be able to in this blog.

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