Tuesday, January 29, 2013

MyScript Calculator. Write On!

I know you already have a calculator in your iPhone and iPad and there are a multitude of free calculators in the App store which offer additional functionality such a scientific calculators and financial ones so why do you need another calculator?

MyScript Calculator

The MyScript calculator is a little different and really innovative.  This one lets you actually write your equation on the screen as if you were writing on a piece of paper.  Write On!  It feels much easier to write these equations as they would appear on paper rather that fool around with special symbols and brackets so the traditional calculators can figure it out.  I hope you did not forget that extra bracket to close the equation! 

Give this one a try it is a really fun way to do math.  The link is below I had some trouble integrating it with the logo this time.

Check out the you tube video for a sample. 

There is an iPad and an iPhone version so Enjoy.

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