Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Learn a New Language FREE

I recently spent some time living in Spain, so I was researching free resources I could use to help me learn Spanish.  In this search I found an app caled Busuu which is a nice app with one particularly nice features that allows other Busuu users to correct your written exercise work.  However, this app is only free for the first few lessons then you need to pay to continue.  My wife has paid for extra app exercises and has been quite happy with the result.

Like Busuu, every other app I have found to learn another language has only offered introductory lessons to a point where you need to pay for additional lessons.  Quite frustrating for me indeed since of course my quests are not completely satisfied until I have found the completely free methods.  I believe I have now found it.

Before I get to the solution some time ago I saw a TED talk about how Captchas are used to help complete scanned books using crowd sourcing.  If you have no idea what that sentence actually means I suggest you watch the video for the link below.  It is a great example of how the power of masses of ordinary people can go about solving great problems with little effort.

In this video a concept of learning language was explained whereby you could learn a new language and at the same time help translate pages on the web.  What a great idea! Billions of people could have an opportunity to learn another language FREE while helping translate the web for people to read in their native language.  My son reminded me about this web site the other day and to my surprise it is also available as an app! Well my friends that day is upon us now for FREE language learning with the app Duolingo.

From here on I am going to be talking about Spanish as the example with the understanding that many of you will be interested in learning a different language.  Just remember that by understanding the sources of this information you may be able to find the language of your interest in the same search locations.

Duolingo: This app offers several languages to learn.  You need to start at the basic level, but seems to go pretty far along in the process of learning that language. I have not completed all the lessons yet so it is hard to say for sure.  It has an entertaining interface which makes it fun to learn gaining “hearts” for lessons accomplished allowing you to move on to the next level.

Spanishdict: This is a great English Spanish dictionary you can use for reference which also has a few exercises.

Phrases: Includes definition of common phrases

Word Games: Has a word game to help remember key words.

There are many other free dictionaries for other languages as well.

Conjuverb:  You can use this for looking up verbs to see their conjugations as a reference as well when you are doing more advanced exercises.

Flash Card: as a bonus there is a Flash Card option to help remember certain vocabulary and tense.  

Again I am sure you will find other languages to conjugate as well.  Flash Cards

What do you do if you need more lessons after that.  What other apps are available since the other apps seem to maker you pay to move forward.  Well there are two apps that are often overlooked, but an amazing source of FREE information.  Those apps are iBooks and iTunesU.  Both of these apps have a wealth of free information from many universities and reputable authors.

iBooks: Within the iBooks application search for these FREE titles indicated below.

Level 1: Spanish you already know by Sean Young.  
Level 1: Espanol 1 by David Nance interactive features,

Level 2: Esquemas Gramatical del Espanol by Carlos J. Duarte.

Anytime: Spanish Refresher by Stewart Anderson

iTunesU: within the iTunesU application search these FREE titles below.

From the Universite dePaul there is a series 101, 102, 103 taught by Claudia Fernandez, 

There is a 5 Minute Spanish series by David Nance.

Have you found another free language learning resource that you like?  Share it with us all in the comments section below.

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